Webinar 1: Smart Cities – urban tech solutions to shorten the road to recovery

Webinar organized by Urban Tech World

Panelists Tim Newns, CEO MIDAS, City of Manchester, UK Nadia Soultanova, Head of Digitalisation, Innovation and Investments at Innovative Sofia department, Sofia Municipality, Bulgaria Paul Kallee-Grover, Director, Avison Young Dr. Philippe Bouvier, President, Institut National de Recherche En Gestion Urbaine – INREGU

How are modern cities equipped to cope with COVID-19 and what lessons can we learn from each other to future-proof? Has enough attention been paid to implementing solutions? How can innovation and technology help overcome obstacles to recovery?

Key takeaways — Vision versus reality: How to plan a post-pandemic-resistant city. Obstacles versus opportunities. Health versus economic recovery. Practical examples of tech solutions that have been introduced to help respond to the challenges caused by pandemics; Facing the density challenge, which increases vulnerability to novel viruses but also to terrorist attacks, crime, invasions of privacy and traffic accidents; Aspects of urban planning to reconsider when developing a pandemic-resistant city and creating the right approach to dealing with threats; Key technologies and resources required for urban planning on the road to recovery; The role of a city’s digital infrastructure in responding to pandemics and ensuring shorter recovery times. What do Urban Tech professionals need to do differently?

Strategic Foresight Maturity Assessment

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