RIT Webinar Impacts of Pandemics on Cities

RIT Webinar Impacts of Pandemics on Cities

Webinar organized by RIT Dubai and presented by Dr. Philippe Bouvier.

Lessons learnt from the impacts of pandemics on cities.

Date 31/03/2021

The world has been challenged by pandemics for thousands of years. These pandemics have been shaping our cities and even our current responses to Covid-19. In this webinar, Dr. Philippe Bouvier reviews past pandemics and the way they impacted our cities to create long-term urban value. We will then address how cities, and our way of living, will change due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Cities are currently challenged and will face a permanent disruption. This webinar will passionate anyone interested in understanding, or creating, the future of our cities.

– What is the history of pandemics?

– Can pandemics have positive impacts on cities?

– Will the current pandemic disrupt the development of our future cities?

– What are the new trends in cities due to COVID-19?

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