INREGU - Institut National de Recherche en Gestion Urbaine

INSEAD Knowledge How to model our future city



DATE: December 31, 2016

TITLE OF THE ARTICLE: How To Model Our Future Cities? Category: Economics & Finance

AUTHOR: Dr. Philippe Bouvier

How To Model Our Future Cities?

The representation of the city we need is a mystery to us; now, without that vision, we “mutilate” urban value. Our traditional urban management fails (congestion, pollution, waste of energy) and urban governance struggles (siloed urban organisations and operations, economic pressures) because they rely on an incorrect model of representation of a “city”. Urban leaders ask the wrong question, “What is a city?” when no unequivocal answer exists and then design their city as a set of independent organisations. To find the next model for our future cities, we need to answer different questions. A better approach to designing and creating value in future cities should consider: 1) What does a city do? 2) How is the city organised? 3) What will the city become?  

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