
Contact Information

Research Interests

  • Business models
  • Compliance
  • Digital transformation
  • Finance
  • Innovation
  • Management
  • Strategic investment

Cyril Mourlon

Investment Director
Project Director
Executive MBA HEC
CEO Weeziou


Cyril Mourlon is a consultant expert in strategic project management, in business strategy development and in opportunities enabling.

More than 15 years in consulting management and large project management, 2 years as internal auditor, founder of a digital crowdfunding service platform and a consulting activity, Mr Mourlon supports day to day directors and managers who want to secure their business activities, improve their team performance, scale up their innovation and achieve their transformation.

Mr. Mourlon’s main areas of expertise are governance, innovation management, IT / IS management, business strategy and risk strategy, organization design and transformation, C-level reporting and communication, business model and positioning.

As one example, he audited a cyberdefense service center and focused on key competitive drivers, process and cost management. He reviewed and improved the organizational structure, allowed 10% cost optimization and team maturity improvement.

For a renewable energy company, he defined a 3-years investment strategy with a new investment model. The solution allowed a reduction of 50 M€ investment needs.

Mr. Mourlon is a graduate of ESIEA Paris and holds an Executive MBA at HEC Paris (international Business School ranked #1 by the Financial Times in 2019). He followed the entrepreneurship and innovation major to learn how to identify opportunities, develop business plans and create value, and collaborate effectively in a complex organization.

For 10 years, Mr. Mourlon has been a lecturer in corporate risk management in Universities and with executives.


  1. 2013

    Executive MBA

  2. 1996



Professional Experience

  1. 2012
  2. 2010
    Various managerial positions

Strategic Foresight Maturity Assessment

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