Smart City Internship In Lyon

Current Status
Not Enrolled
€ 4990 - 8 weeks in Lyon
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This one of its kind international internship helps selected candidates learn and understand urban management and the development of smart and sustainable cities. A widely popular and growing global phenomenon that currently suffers from lack of trained manpower. Thus, holding the potential to create significant career opportunities for our participants.

All academic disciplines can contribute to create the city of the future, therefore we welcome in this internship students from multiple academic backgrounds to innovate collaboratively to create value in the urban environment.

This international internship is reserved for motivated candidates who would like to get familiar with urban management and the concept of a smart and sustainable city, and would like to understand how they could contribute to make cities greater. During this internship, interns will start by learning the basics and challenges of urban management, they will be introduced to the concept of the smart and sustainable city, and will create a digital material to describe urban management’s current issues and solutions. Based on their interests, they will have the opportunity to innovate by finding new sensors, new applications, or new business models.

This internship opportunity aims to:

  • Provide to students an international exposure and work experience in France;
  • Offer an internship managed by INREGU Institute and Ureka Education UK.

Targeted audience

  • Any student interested in gaining hands-on experience and understanding of how urban management departments work (police, water, energy, waste, transportations, etc.), how cities become more sustainable (food security, building design, healthcare, tourism, environment, etc.), and how to create smart and sustainable cities through innovation.

Duration & Options

  • Option 1 Medium-term internship: 8 weeks internship located in Lyon.
  • Option 2 Short-term internship: 4 weeks internship located in Lyon.
  • Option 3 Hybrid internship: 4 weeks internship located in Lyon followed by 4 weeks delivered online.

Learning Outcomes

During the internship, the participants will:

  • Examine all aspects of the key departments managing a city relating to their specialization (missions, operations, organization, budget).
  • Review how urban operations are managed in the different departments of the city like public security, water management, energy management, water and waste management, telecommunications, and transportation.
  • Examine the technologies related to your specialization that are used in the different departments of the city.
  • Comprehend what each department related to your specialization needs to do to improve its operations.
  • Explain how the use of technology in your specialization can create value in the urban departments.
  • Explain how each urban department related to your specialization could innovate to create new value-added services or even new financial incomes.

At the end of the internship, the participants will have a very good knowledge of what is a smart and sustainable city, and how they can contribute to creating the cities of the future.

By the end of the internship, they will have created a report of their findings.

Benefits for Interns

For the interns who will be selected, they will have the opportunities to:

  • Get a professional experience by delivering real projects in the research institute INREGU.
  • Explore job opportunities in Lyon, or any cities in France or Europe, and attend interviews (authorization to leave their duty to attend an interview will be authorized). If this is the objective of the intern, it is recommended to do some research before arriving in Lyon and try to arrange some meetings.
  • Visit universities in Lyon should they want to continue to study in France. It is recommended to check the websites of the different universities or schools, the different programs they have, and select the ones they would like to visit and get a meeting.
  • Network with students from French universities.
  • During the days off (Saturdays and Sundays), interns can take personal time in the city of Lyon (or even go to Paris by train) for leisure, shopping, and job research. The city of Lyon is a safe and nice place to walk. Public transportations are available everywhere.
  • Complete the internship period with two international certificates:
    • An Internship Certificate from INREGU to certify the training period and achievement.
    • A Certificate of Achievement from Ureka UK.

Career Prospectives

  • This internship will enhance the employability of participants in diverse sectors like real estate development, urban management, urban digital transformation, greenfield and brownfield developments, etc., in other words, any company or department working on urban management, water management, waste management, mobility, energy, environment, telecommunications, buildings and housing, and also food security in cities, healthcare, tourism, etc. Public and private companies are looking for candidates who understand what a “smart city” means and how the use of technology can create value.
  • The interns will get in-depth knowledge of the concept of a smart and sustainable city. 
  • They will learn and practice authoring tools to create innovative digital content. They will continue to use those tools after the internship.


  • Each intern will be provided clear instructions from the start of their training with weekly objectives. Progress reviews will take place once a week. At the end of each week, the work will be presented to the team in front of the President of INREGU.
  • This internship will be mentored by an experienced University Professor certified in urban digital transformation and smart city development.

Scope of the internship

Proposed agenda over 8 weeks:

  • Weeks 1 to 3 : Understand the concept of a “smart and sustainable city”.
  • Weeks 4 and 8 : Focus on one urban management organization (energy, water, transportation, security, environment, tourism, healthcare, etc.) and gather knowledge.
  • Weeks 6 to 8 :  Design and deliver digital content using authoring tools to describe the context and trends in urban management.

Mentorship and organization

During each week, the interns will:

  • Work on their weekly tasks / assignments under the guidance of their supervisor.
  • Attend a multi-disciplinary meeting to discuss cross-functional areas and opportunities related to smart and sustainable cities.
  • Attend team sessions: focused on his/her discipline (civil engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, business, etc.).
  • Each intern will be provided access to training material required for the success of their internship (through a Learning Management System).

Materials or Software required

  • Interns will not have to pay for any licenses to attend and benefit from this program, but they need a modern laptop to install some of the applications and Zoom (for potential virtual meetings if needed).

Registration Process

  • Complete the registration form available online.
  • INREGU will check your profile and you will receive a notification email.
  • If the selection is passed, an interview will be organized.
  • Upon acceptance from both parties, the intern must pay the fee and will receive an internship invitation letter (for the VISA process if needed).


  • Participants will make their own hosting (accommodation, meals, transport, etc.) arrangements in the city of Lyon, we will provide guidance on available options.
  • The city of Lyon is very well served by public transportations.
  • Note there is a tramway between the international airport Lyon Saint-Exupery and the city center of Lyon (30min)

Administrative Support

  • This program is organized in collaboration with our local strategic partner UREKA Group.


Strategic Foresight Maturity Assessment

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