INREGU Online Internship

March Intake 2020 Internship

Current Status
Not Enrolled
€ 1000 - 4 weeks in Lyon
Get Started
This course is currently closed

Once enrolled you can access the online material (link below) that will guide you to prepare your internship and continuously will inform you about the schedule and expectations during the period.

Note: To enroll in this internship you must visit the dedicated landing page for this March-Intake 2020 and complete the enrollment process. Then you will be granted access to the online material below.


This internship opportunity aims to:

  • Provide to students an international study and work experience in France;
  • Offer an environment managed by INREGU Institute.

About INREGU Institute: The Institut National de Recherche En Gestion Urbaine – INREGU i.e. National Institute of Research in Urban Management, is a France based research institution that offers services globally in the areas of research studies, executive education and innovative product development in the fields of urban management, urban investment, strategic consulting and future cities development.

Internship Dates

Confirmed dates are from Sunday 8th of March to Saturday 4th of April 2020.


Lyon, France


This study internship is available to students pursuing degrees in the following areas from a recognised university. Based on the scope of the projects proposed, INREGU is expecting to receive applications from students registered in the Schools or Departments of:

  • Business Management
  • Digital Marketing and Design
  • Audio-visual Communication
  • Hotel Management
  • Computer Science Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Journalism
  • Education
  • Arts & Design
  • Architecture

Regarding the languages: Excellent English is mandatory (written and spoken). The daily communications and publications will be done in English.

Benefits for Interns

For the interns who will be selected, they will have the opportunities to:

  • Get a professional experience by delivering real projects in the research institute INREGU;
  • Explore job opportunities in Lyon, or any cities in France or Europe, and attend interviews (authorisation to leave their duty to attend an interview will be authorized). If this is the intention of the intern, it is recommended to do some research before arriving in Lyon and try to arrange some meetings.
  • Visit universities in Lyon should they want to continue to study in France. It is recommended to check on the websites of the different universities or schools, the different programs they have and select the ones they would like to visit and get a meeting.
  • Network with students from French universities;
  • During the days-off (Saturdays and Sundays), interns can take personal time in the city of Lyon for leisure, shopping, job research. The city of Lyon is a safe and nice place to walk. Public transportations are everywhere.
  • Meet with the Chamber of Commerce of the departments of Rhone and Auvergne to understand the economy of the region and plan a job research strategy;
  • Complete the internship period with a Certificate from INREGU to certify the achievement.

Positions Available

Available for students from different subjects. Please refer to the online details.

Application Process

Please visit the dedicated landing page for this March-Intake 2020 and ask your clarification questions.

Strategic Foresight Maturity Assessment

Sorry but the data available are incomplete to prepare a quality SFMA report.